Licensed Owners
These are the ONLY authorized owners of the Suspended Animation Illusion in the world!
If you didn't buy the illusion from John Taylor, Chris Murphy, Bill Smith, Willie Kennedy, Tim Clothier or 2nd hand through one of the performers listed below then you own a pirate copy.
If you have any concerns about the authenticity of your SA illusion, please contact John Taylor to verify if your illusion is in fact legitimate or fake. All 2nd hand Suspended Animation owners need to sign the Suspended Animation performance agreement to hand over the Performance Rights to the new owner of the prop. Please contact me direct for more information before you sell or buy a 2nd hand Suspended Animation from anybody. If you have a used Suspended Animation for sale, it's best to sell your illusion through this site as I can help sell it quicker for you.
John Taylor - Australia Creator/Originator of the Suspended Animation illusion and owner of 5 x SA's including the new William Kennedy SA-5 Heavy Metal Edition
Murray Hatfield - Canada
Hans Klok - Netherlands
Shin Kitami - Japan
Luca Volpe - Italy Change of ownership new owner Arkadio Jose - Spain
Christian Farla - Netherlands
Len Perkey USA Change of ownership sold to Lu Chen - Taiwan
Theme Park - Guatemala Change of ownership new owner Jose Simhon - Colombia
Li Ning - China
Jan Rouven - Germany
Adam Steinfeld - USA Change of ownership sold to Michael Grasso - USA
Lawrence Khong - Singapore owner of 3x Suspended Animations 2 X SA plus 1 x SA 5
John Lewis - USA
Sophie Edelstein - France
David Penn - United Kingdom Change of ownership new owner Jamie Allan - United Kingdom Change of ownership new owner Matthew McGurk - United Kingdom
Eun Gyeol Lee - South Korea
Yunke - Spain change of ownership Riverrson Spain, Change of ownership David Climent - Spain
Charming Choi -South Korea
Paolo Giua - Italy
David Haines - USA Change of owner Ryan Dutcher - USA
NYK Cruise Lines - Japan
John Hirokawa - USA
Mago Sun - Spain Change of ownership new owner Antonio Diaz - Spain
Justin Isaac (Justin Illusion) - USA Change of ownership Javi Cruz - Spain
Jeb Rand - USA Change of ownership sold to Sittah - Netherlands Change of ownership sold to Mentalist Michel the Netherlands
Alexx Alexxander - Norway
Adam Steinfeld - USA
Masaki Kotsugi - Japan
Peter Gossamer - USA
Daiki Tanaka - Japan
David Cats - Italy
Lionel Martin - France
Ednovi - Mexico
Michael Rappa - USA
Lee Hang Chai - Hong Kong
Michael Deutsch - Denmark
Mister John - France
Ryan Sharp - South Africa Change of ownership Amadeo Edama - Spain
Antonio Casanova - Italy
David Garrity - USA
Sebastian Perrin - Mexico
Jason Hudy - USA
Michael Mendoza - Sweden
Maya Toshiki - Japan Tall SA
James More - United Kingdom The first of the new SA 5 Heavy Metal Edition
JP Wilson - USA
Michael White - United Kingdom SA 5 Heavy Metal Edition
Gaetano Triggiano - Italy SA 5 Heavy Metal Edition
James Long - United Kingdom Custom tall SA interchangeable system
Rick Smith Jr - USA
Greg Frewin - Canada Custom exclusive design
Rick Wilcox - USA SA 5 Heavy Metal Edition
Zauberduo Domenico - Switzerland SA 5 Heavy Metal Edition
Illusionarium Show Norwegian Cruise Line - USA Change of ownership Jean-Pierre Parent - Canada
Cyril Takayama Shadow Entertainment Ltd - Japan Custom Design William Kennedy
Juliana Chen - USA
Jorgos Magic - Germany SA Tim Clothier Steampunk Design
Ali Cook - United Kingdom SA Tim Clothier Industrial Design
Zakuto Kei - Japan Tim Clothier Steampunk Design
Sander & Alison - Isle of Man Tim Clothier Tall Industrial Design Change of Ownerships Felix Jenzowsky - Germany
Tristan Crist - USA Tim Clothier Steampunk Design
Michael Turco - USA Tim Clothier Steampunk Design
Gael Brinet - France William Kennedy SA 5 Heavy Metal Edition
Peter Valance - Germany Tim Clothier Industrial Design
Cripton - Italy Tim Clothier Steampunk Design
JP Wen - China Tim Clothier Industrial Design
The Beckers - USA Cyber SA Tim Clothier
Keith West - USA
Casper Dane - Denmark William Kennedy SA 5 with Custom Makeover by Ray Lum & Change of Ownership to Nathan Burton - USA
Dan Kranstz - Canada Tim Clothier Steampunk SA Design
Steve Bor Bor Productions - UK Tim Clothier Industrial SA Design.
Joseph Wartnerchaney Manhattan Creative Group - Tim Clothier SA
Tensho - Japan Tim Clothier Steampunk SA Design
Justino & Daniela - USA Tim Clothier Industrial SA Design
Jamie Allan - UK William Kennedy SA 5 Heavy Metal Edition
Matt Hollywood - Australia Chris Murphy - Masterpiece Edition